Acoustic Movable Partitions and their role in Schools

Movable Walls in SchoolsMovable Partitions in schools promote flexible learning spaces in the classrooms and beyond, creating an enhanced learning experience for the 21st Century.An important feature of flexible learning space is that it is of sufficient size to accommodate a range of different learning activities and can be easily configured or adapted to suit the activities taking place. Continue reading

Baffling facts about Acoustic Partitions

Partition AcousticsIt’s a phenomenon as to why contractors and building owners specify floor to ceiling acoustic partitions yet leave an expansive void above the partition to save on initial construction costs. Even with the highest rated acoustic partition sound will leak over the top of partition freely because they are relying on the ceiling alone to block the transfer of sound.

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James Luker

James Luker - Moving Designs LimitedJames Luker (MCIOB, IMaPS, C.Build E MCABE, CertFDI), one of the directors of Moving Designs Ltd, has been actively involved in the Movable Wall industry for some 15 years and brings with him his knowledge, expertise and inspired creativity of this very unique industry, ready to solve our clients’ needs and “Unlock their vision”

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What is a dB rating?

What is a dB rating? - Acoustic Movable WallsManufacturers of Movable Walls market their products based on data that is derived from test done in a controlled environment, normally in an Acoustic Testing Laboratory. The sound insulation values of lab tested walls are generally given as Rw Db ratings. These tests can be used as a comparison but the actual field rating acoustics of the Movable Wall will probably be worse, this is defined as the DnTw Db

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When a Movable Wall is not just a Movable Wall!!

Printed Graphics Movable WallMovable walls are an effective solution for space management but who says Movable Walls are only used for dividing space. The next generation of Movable Walls lends itself to an array of possibilities, the constraints are only limited by our imagination.

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Choosing the correct Acoustic Partition

Choosing the correct acoustic partitionAcoustic partitions allow schools, hotels, meeting rooms and other facilities to divide and expand rooms to meet their ever changing requirements. Specifying them into the building design not only allows the owner to provide privacy, but also maximises a facility’s use by enabling the hosting of simultaneous events. Choosing an Acoustic Partition isn’t always an easy task. So how do you choose the correct partition for your facility?

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The Writings on the Wall for Open Plan Offices!

Whiteboard Movable WallEfficiency in the workplace isn’t about how much space you have its about using space to create a seamless workflow for people, being able to manipulate your surroundings. Movable partitions allow multiple activities to happen in close proximity to one another, accommodating different settings that support different activities. So how will the landscape change to accommodate the next generation of work-space?

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